🎯 Business Goals

Here goes the main goal of your business, make it short, and focus on WHY your business should exist, and HOW it's going to impact your customers in WHAT way. i - *to know more you can read Start With Why book by *Simon Sinek**.

📅 Short term goals: (6 month)

Type down 3-5 of the most important short term goals for your business.

🗓️ Long term goals: (2 years)

Type down 3-5 of the most important long term goals for your business.

Business Model Canvas

🤝 Key Partners

<aside> 💡 Who are the key partners and suppliers needed to make the business model work?


✅ Key Activates

<aside> 💡 What are the most important assets required to make the business model work?


🧰 Key Resources

<aside> 💡 What are the most important assets required to make the business model work?


🎁 Value Proposition

<aside> 💡 What are the problems that we are tying to solve for our customers segments?


♥️ Customer Relationship

<aside> 💡 How do we get, keep & grow our customers?


📢 Channels

<aside> 💡 How do we reach our customers and let them know about our solution?


👥 Customer Segments

<aside> 💡 Who are our customers and why would they use our solution?


💸 Cost Structure

<aside> 💡 What are the costs to operate the business model?


💰 Revenue Streams

<aside> 💡 How do we make moeny from our solution?
